Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Dog Blog -- Post #10 -- Venice Park Dogs


Don't you just hate it when a song gets stuck in your head? Alpha was singing this DO-PEY song, and now I can't get it out of my head: "Hot dogs. Armour hot dogs... " Yuck! I can't stand it!!! Only one thing to do... Take the tune and turn it into something else. So, with apologies to Stephen Sondheim, I give you THE VENICE DOG PARK song (sung to the tune of the Armour Hot Dog song).

Park dogs. Venice park dogs.

What kind of dogs are Venice Park dogs?

Big dogs...

Little dogs...

Dogs who hang in packs...

Fat dogs...

Skinny dogs...

Even dogs in pickup trucks...

love dog parks. Venice Dog Park. The park where dogs love to play...

Snout out.